Welcome to
Send Scott a
Private Message / File A fantastic website that converts other websites for
viewing on retro computers Very first web page ever created. and it's still
up: http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html Online Emulators for modern browsers My Online MsDos Emulators that run in a
modern browser Misc Sites (not necessarily for Retro's to
connect to) https://artpacks.org/ Apple Imac G5 OS X 10.6.8 using Safari 5.1
Scott's Retro Computers Test Site
The Retro Room (My Den)
Saturday 15th of February 2025 08:03:11 PM
Your IP Address:
Your Browser:CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)
This site is
designed for RETRO computers & browsers to test
their internet access.
This page is HTTP / HTTPS. You deceide
Created with Microsoft FrontPage Express 2 (1997)
Download FrontPage Express
I use this page to test my Amiga 500/1000, Commodore 64, Windows
3.1, Windows 95 computers
Not all links will work for
all computers/browsers. See what works for you.
This site is as PLAIN as I could make it
This is a No ADs, No Cookies, No tracking, No Nothing, safe site
This page was last Updated: 10-25-2023
Public File Room
I just bought the C64 mini. It's sooo cute. Joystick
kinda sucks but it works
If you have a 'Amiga' A500 Mini. The A500 HD8+ Replica Found on eBay is
Not sold or made by me! I just bought one.
To me, this replica ALMOST completes the look of the A500 mini.
Someone needs to make a tiny replica
of the Amiga mouse. Now that would complete the look!
ha Oh, yeah. a tiny monitor! OMG! ha
Workbench for the A500 Mini
'A Pre-setup Workbench for your A500 Mini'
Download the big 'A500Mini Edition' then copy
files to 32gb flash drive
Copy ROM files to ..\AMiNIMiga\Hardfolders\Shared\roms
Tell A500 to run USB device
Workbench loads up. Tons of games/apps.
Hampster Dance For
Modern Browsers - Video of
Hampster Dance
You should see dancing and hear music
1998 by Deidre LaCarte
ASCII Art Gallery
Over 20,000 Animated Gif's
- Converting Foxnews (as an example)
FrogFind.com and from
same guy: 68k.news
(current google news)
You can try www.textise.net
to view text only sites, but.. they are HTTPS only
You want a web page converted to HTTP? Let me know.
I'll see if it will work
Proxy server for windows? I use WebOne.
(Win, OSX, Linux)
'HTTP 1.x proxy that makes old web browsers usable again
in the Web 2.0 world.'
I run it on my Windows 10 pc then set the retro
pc's to connect to a proxy server.
This also solves much of the HTTPS troubles.
Works good (so far) and is silly easy.
Websites that seem to kinda work for Retro's
(Non-HTTPS sites)
Readspike news
wiby.me Search engine
The first website?
You found a good site? Let me know. I'll add it here
Other online emulators I found
Windows '93' Browser
** PCJS dos
emulators Love this! Many emulators that run in your
(Msdos, Genesis, Super Nintendo Games)
Android emulator
64 - VirtualConsoles
JavaTari Atari 2600
vic 20
Systems has a few very nice Emulators:
OS Mac emulator
II browser emulator
This site, for modern browsers. They will create a all
text version of a web PAGE!!
Textise is HTTPS and their converted is also HTTPS. But
it does remove Graphics!
Retro Systems that use this site:
Amiga 500 using Ibrowse v2.4 / Voyager &
Plipbox Ethernet adapter
Amiga 1000 using Ibrowse v2.4
Amiga 1200 using Ibrowse v2.4 / Voyager & Plipbox
Apple IIe (1982) - Uthernet II card and Contiki browser
Apple Macintosh (1991) - Farallon EtherMac card with
Netscape 2.02
Apple Macintosh III (1993) - Asante MCiLC-10T card using
WannaBe browser
Amiga 3000
Amiga 4000
Commodore 64 (1983) using Contiki browser &
64NIC+ Network Card
Geos - Breadbox Ensemble using WebMagick browser
386/486 MsDos - Geos - NewDeal using Skipper browser
Linux Ubuntu Firefox 25.0
OS/2 Warp WebExplorer v1.2
HTC Apache PPC-6700 Windows Mobile CDMA 2005 Cell Phone
and Internet Explorer 4.01 CE
Windows 3 for Workgroups using IE 5.0
Windows 95 IE 3
Windows 98se IE 5 on a Gateway 2150
Windows Vista Firefox 52.0
Windows XP IE 6
Windows XP Firefox 24.0
Windows XP Firefox 52.3
Windows XP Firefox 68.0
Windows 2000 IE 6
Oldest System here so far I believe is, The 1982 Apple
IIe (over 40 years old)
Your Retro system NOT in
list? I'll add it